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INI File | 1991-07-05 | 38.4 KB | 709 lines | [TEXT/MSWD] |
- [Most recent change: 19 May 1991 by spaf@cs.purdue.edu (Gene Spafford)]
- The following is a list of currently active USENET newsgroups as of
- 20 May 1991. The groups distributed worldwide are divided
- into seven broad classifications: "news", "soc", "talk", "misc",
- "sci", "comp" and "rec". Each of these classifications is organized
- into groups and subgroups according to topic.
- "comp" Topics of interest to both computer professionals and
- hobbyists, including topics in computer science, software
- source, and information on hardware and software systems.
- "sci" Discussions marked by special and usually practical knowledge,
- relating to research in or application of the established
- sciences.
- "misc" Groups addressing themes not easily classified under any of the
- other headings or which incorporate themes from multiple
- categories.
- "soc" Groups primarily addressing social issues and socializing.
- "talk" Groups largely debate-oriented and tending to feature long
- discussions without resolution and without appreciable amounts
- of generally useful information.
- "news" Groups concerned with the news network and software themselves.
- "rec" Groups oriented towards hobbies and recreational activities.
- These "world" newsgroups are (usually) circulated around the entire
- USENET -- this implies world-wide distribution. Not all groups
- actually enjoy such wide distribution, however. The European Usenet
- and Eunet sites take only a selected subset of the more "technical"
- groups, and controversial "noise" groups are often not carried by many
- sites in the US and Canada (these groups are often under the "talk"
- and "soc" classifications). Many sites do not carry some or all of
- the comp.binaries groups.
- There are groups in other subcategories, but they are local: to
- institutions, to geographic regions, etc. and they are not listed
- here. Note that these distribution categories can be used to restrict
- the propagation of news articles. Currently, distributions include:
- world worldwide distribution (default)
- att limited to AT&T
- can limited to Canada
- eunet limited to European sites
- na limited to North America
- usa limited to the United States
- There may be other regional and local distribution categories available
- at your site. Most US states have distribution categories named after
- the two letter abbreviation for that state or category (e.g., "ga" for
- Georgia, "nj" for New Jersey). Please use an appropriate distribution
- category if your article is not likely to be of interest to USENET
- readers worldwide. A companion article to this lists all of the
- regional distributions and their newsgroups.
- Some groups are moderated or are monitored mailing lists. They can
- only be posted to by mailing submissions to the coordinator (provided
- in a companion posting). Some selected sites provide automatic
- remailing in support of 2.11 news -- posting to one of these groups
- automatically mails the article for the poster. Some of the moderated
- groups are gatewayed to USENET from the Internet and appear as
- newsgroups to facilitate distribution and posting from the Usenet.
- Other of the "world" groups are bidirectionally gatewayed with
- Internet mailing lists; items submitted from the Internet side to the
- digest are split up and submitted to the USENET group, while articles
- submitted on the USENET side are bundled up and submitted to the
- mailing list. A complete list of moderated newsgroups, submission
- addresses and moderators is given in a companion posting.
- The following "world" groups have been gatewayed with the listed
- Internet lists. Some of them may not still be gatewayed due to
- broken software and/or gateways; such groups are marked with an
- asterisk ("*") in the list below. Please contact me if you should know
- of their current status. Also note that the group "comp.lang.forth" is
- gatewayed with the Bitnet discussion list "umforth@weizmann.bitnet", and
- rec.railroad is run from "railroad@queens.bitnet".
- Some of these lists are gated one-way into Usenet groups; those groups
- have been marked with a ">" symbol in the list below.
- If you are reading this article from a site not on the Usenet, you may
- subscribe to Internet lists by writing to the request address.
- You form such an address by putting "-request" before the "@" symbol,
- as in "unix-emacs-request@bbn.com". This gets your message directly to
- the list maintainer instead of broadcasting it to all the readers of
- the list.
- Also note that moderators of Usenet groups may not be in charge of the
- corresponding mailing list or gateway. For example, the moderator of
- comp.sources.unix does not have anything to do with the unix-sources
- mailing list; matters concerning the mailing list should be addressed
- to unix-sources-request@brl.mil
- Usenet Group Internet list
- ------------ -------------
- comp.dcom.modems info-modems@wsmr-simtel20.army.mil
- comp.dcom.telecom telecom@eecs.nwu.edu
- comp.emacs unix-emacs@bbn.com
- >comp.emacs info-gnu-emacs@prep.ai.mit.edu
- >comp.emacs help-gnu-emacs@prep.ai.mit.edu
- *comp.lang.ada info-ada@ajpo.sei.cmu.edu
- comp.lang.c info-c@brl.mil
- >comp.lang.c++ info-g++@prep.ai.mit.edu
- >comp.lang.c++ help-g++@prep.ai.mit.edu
- comp.lang.modula2 info-m2@ucf1vm.bitnet
- *comp.lang.pascal info-pascal@brl.mil
- *comp.lang.prolog prolog@score.stanford.edu
- comp.os.cpm info-cpm@wsmr-simtel20.army.mil
- comp.os.minix info-minix@udel.edu
- comp.os.vms info-vax@sri.com
- comp.protocols.kerberos kerberos@athena.mit.edu
- comp.protocols.tcp-ip tcp-ip@nic.ddn.mil
- comp.sources.misc unix-sources@brl.mil
- comp.sources.unix unix-sources@brl.mil
- comp.sys.apollo apollo@umix.cc.umich.edu
- comp.sys.apple2 info-apple@apple.com
- comp.sys.atari.8bit info-atari8@score.stanford.edu
- comp.sys.atari.st info-atari16@score.stanford.edu
- comp.sys.misc info-micro@wsmr-simtel20.army.mil
- comp.sys.sun sun-spots@rice.edu
- comp.sys.tahoe info-tahoe@csd1.milw.wisc.edu
- comp.sys.xerox info-1100@tut.cis.ohio-state.edu
- *comp.terminals info-terms@mc.lcs.mit.edu
- >comp.text.tex texhax@cs.washington.edu
- comp.unix.questions info-unix@brl.mil
- comp.unix.internals unix-wizards@brl.mil
- comp.windows.x xpert@expo.lcs.mit.edu
- rec.arts.sf-lovers sf-lovers@rutgers.edu
- rec.equestrian horse@bbn.com
- rec.food.recipes recipes@mthvax.cs.miami.edu
- rec.radio.amateur.misc info-hams@ucsd.edu
- rec.radio.amateur.packet packet-radio@ucsd.edu
- rec.music.gdead dead-flames@virginia.edu
- rec.music.synth synth-l@auvm.auvm.edu
- rec.video videotech@wsmr-simtel20.army.mil
- *sci.astro sky-fans@xx.lcs.mit.edu
- sci.physics physics@unix.sri.com
- sci.physics.fusion fusion@zorch.sf-bay.org
- sci.space space@andrew.cmu.edu
- soc.roots roots-l@vm1.nodak.edu
- Please notify me of any errors or changes to the information in this article.
- Gene Spafford
- spaf@purdue.EDU
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Newsgroup Description
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- comp.admin.policy Discussions of site administration policies.
- comp.ai Artificial intelligence discussions.
- comp.ai.neural-nets All aspects of neural networks.
- comp.ai.nlang-know-rep Natural Language and Knowledge Representation. (Moderated)
- comp.ai.philosophy Philosophical aspects of Artificial Intelligence.
- comp.ai.shells Artificial intelligence applied to shells. (Moderated)
- comp.arch Computer architecture.
- comp.archives Descriptions of public access archives. (Moderated)
- comp.benchmarks Discussion of benchmarking techniques and results.
- comp.binaries.acorn Binary-only postings for Acorn machines. (Moderated)
- comp.binaries.amiga Encoded public domain programs in binary. (Moderated)
- comp.binaries.apple2 Binary-only postings for the Apple II computer.
- comp.binaries.atari.st Binary-only postings for the Atari ST. (Moderated)
- comp.binaries.ibm.pc Binary-only postings for IBM PC/MS-DOS. (Moderated)
- comp.binaries.ibm.pc.d Discussions about IBM/PC binary postings.
- comp.binaries.mac Encoded Macintosh programs in binary. (Moderated)
- comp.binaries.os2 Binaries for use under the OS/2 ABI. (Moderated)
- comp.bugs.2bsd Reports of UNIX* version 2BSD related bugs.
- comp.bugs.4bsd Reports of UNIX version 4BSD related bugs.
- comp.bugs.4bsd.ucb-fixes Bug reports/fixes for BSD Unix. (Moderated)
- comp.bugs.misc General UNIX bug reports and fixes (incl V7, uucp)
- comp.bugs.sys5 Reports of USG (System III, V, etc.) bugs.
- comp.cog-eng Cognitive engineering.
- comp.compilers Compiler construction, theory, etc. (Moderated)
- comp.compression Data compression algorithms and theory.
- comp.databases Database and data management issues and theory.
- comp.dcom.fax Fax hardware, software, and protocols.
- comp.dcom.lans Local area network hardware and software.
- comp.dcom.modems Data communications hardware and software.
- comp.dcom.sys.cisco Info on Cisco routers and bridges.
- comp.dcom.telecom Telecommunications digest. (Moderated)
- comp.doc Archived public-domain documentation. (Moderated)
- comp.doc.techreports Lists of technical reports. (Moderated)
- comp.dsp Digital Signal Processing using computers.
- comp.edu Computer science education.
- comp.emacs EMACS editors of different flavors.
- comp.fonts Typefonts -- design, conversion, use, etc.
- comp.graphics Computer graphics, art, animation, image processing.
- comp.graphics.visualization Info on scientific visualization.
- comp.groupware Hardware & software for facilitating group interaction.
- comp.infosystems Any discussion about information systems.
- comp.ivideodisc Interactive videodiscs -- uses, potential, etc.
- comp.lang.ada Discussion about Ada*.
- comp.lang.apl Discussion about APL.
- comp.lang.c Discussion about C.
- comp.lang.c++ The object-oriented C++ language.
- comp.lang.clos Common Lisp Object System discussions.
- comp.lang.eiffel The object-oriented Eiffel language.
- comp.lang.forth Discussion about Forth.
- comp.lang.fortran Discussion about FORTRAN.
- comp.lang.functional Discussion about functional languages.
- comp.lang.idl-pvwave IDL and PV-Wave language discussions.
- comp.lang.lisp Discussion about LISP.
- comp.lang.misc Different computer languages not specifically listed.
- comp.lang.modula2 Discussion about Modula-2.
- comp.lang.modula3 Discussion about the Modula-3 language.
- comp.lang.objective-c The Objective-C language and environment.
- comp.lang.pascal Discussion about Pascal.
- comp.lang.perl Discussion of Larry Wall's Perl system.
- comp.lang.postscript The PostScript Page Description Language.
- comp.lang.prolog Discussion about PROLOG.
- comp.lang.scheme The Scheme Programming language.
- comp.lang.sigplan Info & announcements from ACM SIGPLAN. (Moderated)
- comp.lang.smalltalk Discussion about Smalltalk 80.
- comp.lang.vhdl VHSIC Hardware Description Language, IEEE 1076/87.
- comp.laser-printers Laser printers, hardware & software. (Moderated)
- comp.lsi Large scale integrated circuits.
- comp.mail.elm Discussion and fixes for ELM mail system.
- comp.mail.headers Gatewayed from the Internet header-people list.
- comp.mail.maps Various maps, including UUCP maps. (Moderated)
- comp.mail.mh The UCI version of the Rand Message Handling system.
- comp.mail.misc General discussions about computer mail.
- comp.mail.mush The Mail User's Shell (MUSH).
- comp.mail.sendmail Configuring and using the BSD sendmail agent.
- comp.mail.uucp Mail in the uucp network environment.
- comp.misc General topics about computers not covered elsewhere.
- comp.multimedia Interactive multimedia technologies of all kinds.
- comp.newprod Announcements of new products of interest. (Moderated)
- comp.object Object-oriented programming and languages.
- comp.org.acm Topics about the Association for Computing Machinery.
- comp.org.decus Digital Equipment Computer Users' Society newsgroup.
- comp.org.fidonet FidoNews digest, official news of FidoNet Assoc. (Moderated)
- comp.org.ieee Issues and announcements about the IEEE & its members.
- comp.org.sug Talk about/for the The Sun User's Group.
- comp.org.usenix USENIX Association events and announcements.
- comp.org.usenix.roomshare Finding lodging during Usenix conferences.
- comp.os.coherent Discussion and support of the Coherent operating system.
- comp.os.cpm Discussion about the CP/M operating system.
- comp.os.mach The MACH OS from CMU & other places.
- comp.os.minix Discussion of Tanenbaum's MINIX system.
- comp.os.misc General OS-oriented discussion not carried elsewhere.
- comp.os.msdos.apps Discussion of applications that run under MS-DOS.
- comp.os.msdos.desqview QuarterDeck's Desqview and related products.
- comp.os.msdos.misc Miscellaneous topics about MS-DOS machines.
- comp.os.msdos.programmer Programming MS-DOS machines.
- comp.os.os2.apps Discussions of applications under OS/2.
- comp.os.os2.misc Miscellaneous topics about the OS/2 system.
- comp.os.os2.programmer Programming OS/2 machines.
- comp.os.os9 Discussions about the os9 operating system.
- comp.os.research Operating systems and related areas. (Moderated)
- comp.os.vms DEC's VAX* line of computers & VMS.
- comp.os.xinu The XINU operating system from Purdue (D. Comer).
- comp.parallel Massively parallel hardware/software. (Moderated)
- comp.periphs Peripheral devices.
- comp.periphs.scsi Discussion of SCSI-based peripheral devices.
- comp.protocols.appletalk Applebus hardware & software.
- comp.protocols.ibm Networking with IBM mainframes.
- comp.protocols.iso The ISO protocol stack.
- comp.protocols.kerberos The Kerberos authentication server.
- comp.protocols.kermit Info about the Kermit package. (Moderated)
- comp.protocols.misc Various forms and types of FTP protocol.
- comp.protocols.nfs Discussion about the Network File System protocol.
- comp.protocols.tcp-ip TCP and IP network protocols.
- comp.protocols.tcp-ip.ibmpc TCP/IP for IBM(-like) personal computers.
- comp.realtime Issues related to real-time computing.
- comp.research.japan The nature of research in Japan. (Moderated)
- comp.risks Risks to the public from computers & users. (Moderated)
- comp.robotics All aspects of robots and their applications.
- comp.simulation Simulation methods, problems, uses. (Moderated)
- comp.society The impact of technology on society. (Moderated)
- comp.society.development Computer technology in developing countries.
- comp.society.folklore Computer folklore & culture, past & present. (Moderated)
- comp.society.futures Events in technology affecting future computing.
- comp.software-eng Software Engineering and related topics.
- comp.sources.3b1 Source code-only postings for the AT&T 3b. (Moderated)
- comp.sources.acorn Source code-only postings for the Acorn. (Moderated)
- comp.sources.amiga Source code-only postings for the Amiga. (Moderated)
- comp.sources.apple2 Source code and discussion for the Apple2. (Moderated)
- comp.sources.atari.st Source code-only postings for the Atari ST. (Moderated)
- comp.sources.bugs Bug reports, fixes, discussion for posted sources.
- comp.sources.d For any discussion of source postings.
- comp.sources.games Postings of recreational software. (Moderated)
- comp.sources.games.bugs Bug reports and fixes for posted game software.
- comp.sources.mac Software for the Apple Macintosh. (Moderated)
- comp.sources.misc Posting of software. (Moderated)
- comp.sources.reviewed Source code evaluated by peer review. (Moderated)
- comp.sources.sun Software for Sun workstations. (Moderated)
- comp.sources.unix Postings of complete, UNIX-oriented sources. (Moderated)
- comp.sources.wanted Requests for software and fixes.
- comp.sources.x Software for the X windows system. (Moderated)
- comp.specification Languages and methodologies for formal specification.
- comp.std.c Discussion about C language standards.
- comp.std.c++ Discussion about C++ language, library, standards.
- comp.std.internat Discussion about international standards.
- comp.std.misc Discussion about various standards.
- comp.std.mumps Discussion for the X11.1 committee on Mumps. (Moderated)
- comp.std.unix Discussion for the P1003 committee on UNIX. (Moderated)
- comp.sw.components Software components and related technology.
- comp.sys.3b1 Discussion and support of AT&T 7300/3B1/UnixPC.
- comp.sys.acorn Discussion on Acorn and ARM-based computers.
- comp.sys.alliant Info and discussion about Alliant computers.
- comp.sys.amiga.advocacy Why an Amiga is better than XYZ.
- comp.sys.amiga.announce Announcements about the Amiga. (Moderated)
- comp.sys.amiga.applications Miscellaneous applications.
- comp.sys.amiga.audio Music, MIDI, speech synthesis, other sounds.
- comp.sys.amiga.datacomm Methods of getting bytes in and out.
- comp.sys.amiga.emulations Various hardware & software emulators.
- comp.sys.amiga.games Discussion of games for the Commodore Amiga.
- comp.sys.amiga.graphics Charts, graphs, pictures, etc.
- comp.sys.amiga.hardware Amiga computer hardware, Q&A, reviews, etc.
- comp.sys.amiga.introduction Group for newcomers to Amigas.
- comp.sys.amiga.marketplace Where to find it, prices, etc.
- comp.sys.amiga.misc Discussions not falling in another Amiga group.
- comp.sys.amiga.multimedia Animations, video, & multimedia.
- comp.sys.amiga.programmer Developers & hobbyists discuss code.
- comp.sys.amiga.reviews Reviews of Amiga software, hardware. (Moderated)
- comp.sys.apollo Apollo computer systems.
- comp.sys.apple2 Discussion about Apple II micros.
- comp.sys.atari.8bit Discussion about 8 bit Atari micros.
- comp.sys.atari.st Discussion about 16 bit Atari micros.
- comp.sys.atari.st.tech Technical discussions of Atari ST hard/software.
- comp.sys.att Discussions about AT&T microcomputers.
- comp.sys.cbm Discussion about Commodore micros.
- comp.sys.concurrent The Concurrent/Masscomp line of computers. (Moderated)
- comp.sys.dec Discussions about DEC computer systems.
- comp.sys.dec.micro DEC Micros (Rainbow, Professional 350/380)
- comp.sys.encore Encore's MultiMax computers.
- comp.sys.hp Discussion about Hewlett-Packard equipment.
- comp.sys.ibm.pc.misc Discussion about IBM personal computers.
- comp.sys.ibm.pc.digest The IBM PC, PC-XT, and PC-AT. (Moderated)
- comp.sys.ibm.pc.hardware XT/AT/EISA hardware, any vendor.
- comp.sys.ibm.pc.rt Topics related to IBM's RT computer.
- comp.sys.ibm.ps2.hardware Microchannel hardware, any vendor.
- comp.sys.intel Discussions about Intel systems and parts.
- comp.sys.isis The ISIS distributed system from Cornell.
- comp.sys.laptops Laptop (portable) computers.
- comp.sys.m6809 Discussion about 6809's.
- comp.sys.m68k Discussion about 68k's.
- comp.sys.m68k.pc Discussion about 68k-based PCs. (Moderated)
- comp.sys.m88k Discussion about 88k-based computers.
- comp.sys.mac.announce Important notices for Macintosh users. (Moderated)
- comp.sys.mac.apps Discussions of Macintosh applications.
- comp.sys.mac.comm Discussion of Macintosh communications.
- comp.sys.mac.digest Apple Macintosh: info&uses, but no programs. (Moderated)
- comp.sys.mac.games Discussions of games on the Macintosh.
- comp.sys.mac.hardware Macintosh hardware issues & discussions.
- comp.sys.mac.hypercard The Macintosh Hypercard: info & uses.
- comp.sys.mac.misc General discussions about the Apple Macintosh.
- comp.sys.mac.programmer Discussion by people programming the Apple Macintosh.
- comp.sys.mac.system Discussions of Macintosh system software.
- comp.sys.mac.wanted Postings of "I want XYZ for my Mac."
- comp.sys.mips Systems based on MIPS chips.
- comp.sys.misc Discussion about computers of all kinds.
- comp.sys.ncr Discussion about NCR computers.
- comp.sys.next NeXT's workstations, peripherals, and software.
- comp.sys.nsc.32k National Semiconductor 32000 series chips.
- comp.sys.novell Discussion of Novell Netware products.
- comp.sys.proteon Proteon gateway products.
- comp.sys.pyramid Pyramid 90x computers.
- comp.sys.ridge Ridge 32 computers and ROS.
- comp.sys.sequent Sequent systems, (Balance and Symmetry).
- comp.sys.sgi Silicon Graphics's Iris workstations and software.
- comp.sys.sun Sun "workstation" computers. (Moderated)
- comp.sys.tahoe CCI 6/32, Harris HCX/7, & Sperry 7000 computers.
- comp.sys.tandy Discussion about TRS-80's.
- comp.sys.ti Discussion about Texas Instruments.
- comp.sys.transputer The Transputer computer and OCCAM language.
- comp.sys.xerox Xerox 1100 workstations and protocols.
- comp.sys.zenith.z100 The Zenith Z-100 (Heath H-100) family of computers.
- comp.terminals All sorts of terminals.
- comp.text Text processing issues and methods.
- comp.text.desktop Technology & techniques of desktop publishing.
- comp.text.tex Discussion about the TeX and LaTeX systems & macros.
- comp.theory.info-retrieval Information Retrieval topics. (Moderated)
- comp.unix.admin Administering a Unix-based system.
- comp.unix.aix IBM's version of UNIX.
- comp.unix.amiga Minix, SYSV4 and other *nix on an Amiga.
- comp.unix.aux The version of UNIX for Apple Macintosh II computers.
- comp.unix.internals Discussions on hacking UNIX internals.
- comp.unix.large UNIX on mainframes and in large networks.
- comp.unix.misc Various topics that don't fit other groups.
- comp.unix.msdos MS-DOS running under UNIX by whatever means.
- comp.unix.programmer Q&A for people programming under Unix.
- comp.unix.questions UNIX neophytes group.
- comp.unix.shell Using and programming the Unix shell.
- comp.unix.sysv286 UNIX System V (not XENIX) on the '286.
- comp.unix.sysv386 Versions of System V (not Xenix) on Intel 80386-based boxes.
- comp.unix.ultrix Discussions about DEC's Ultrix.
- comp.unix.wizards Questions for only true Unix wizards.
- comp.unix.xenix.misc General discussions regarding XENIX (except SCO).
- comp.unix.xenix.sco XENIX versions from the Santa Cruz Operation.
- comp.windows.interviews The InterViews object-oriented windowing system.
- comp.windows.misc Various issues about windowing systems.
- comp.windows.ms Window systems under MS/DOS.
- comp.windows.ms.programmer Writing apps for MS Windows.
- comp.windows.news Sun Microsystems' NeWS window system.
- comp.windows.open-look Discussion about the Open Look GUI.
- comp.windows.x Discussion about the X Window System.
- comp.virus Computer viruses & security. (Moderated)
- misc.consumers Consumer interests, product reviews, etc.
- misc.consumers.house Discussion about owning and maintaining a house.
- misc.education Discussion of the educational system.
- misc.emerg-services Forum for paramedics & other first responders.
- misc.entrepreneurs Discussion on operating a business.
- misc.fitness Physical fitness, exercise, etc.
- misc.forsale Short, tasteful postings about items for sale.
- misc.forsale.computers Computers and computer equipment for sale.
- misc.handicap Items of interest for/about the handicapped. (Moderated)
- misc.headlines Current interest: drug testing, terrorism, etc.
- misc.invest Investments and the handling of money.
- misc.jobs.contract Discussions about contract labor.
- misc.jobs.misc Discussion about employment, workplaces, careers.
- misc.jobs.offered Announcements of positions available.
- misc.jobs.resumes Postings of resumes and "situation wanted" articles.
- misc.kids Children, their behavior and activities.
- misc.legal Legalities and the ethics of law.
- misc.misc Various discussions not fitting in any other group.
- misc.news.southasia News from Bangladesh, India, Nepal, etc. (Moderated)
- misc.rural Devoted to issues concerning rural living.
- misc.security Security in general, not just computers. (Moderated)
- misc.taxes Tax laws and advice.
- misc.test For testing of network software. Very boring.
- misc.wanted Requests for things that are needed (NOT software).
- news.admin Comments directed to news administrators.
- news.announce.conferences Calls for papers and conference announcements. (Moderated)
- news.announce.important General announcements of interest to all. (Moderated)
- news.announce.newgroups Calls for newgroups & announcements of same. (Moderated)
- news.announce.newusers Explanatory postings for new users. (Moderated)
- news.config Postings of system down times and interruptions.
- news.groups Discussions and lists of newsgroups.
- news.lists News-related statistics and lists. (Moderated)
- news.lists.ps-maps Maps relating to USENET traffic flows. (Moderated)
- news.misc Discussions of USENET itself.
- news.newsites Postings of new site announcements.
- news.newusers.questions Q & A for users new to the Usenet.
- news.software.anu-news VMS B-news software from Australian National Univ.
- news.software.b Discussion about B-news-compatible software.
- news.software.nn Discussion about the "nn" news reader package.
- news.software.notes Notesfile software from the Univ. of Illinois.
- news.sysadmin Comments directed to system administrators.
- rec.aquaria Keeping fish and aquaria as a hobby.
- rec.arts.animation Discussion of various kinds of animation.
- rec.arts.anime Japanese animation fen discussion.
- rec.arts.bodyart Tattoos and body decoration discussions.
- rec.arts.books Books of all genres, and the publishing industry.
- rec.arts.cinema Discussion of the art of cinema. (Moderated)
- rec.arts.comics Comic books and strips, graphic novels, sequential art.
- rec.arts.dance Any aspects of dance not covered in another newsgroup.
- rec.arts.disney Discussion of any Disney-related subjects.
- rec.arts.drwho Discussion about Dr. Who.
- rec.arts.erotica Erotic fiction and verse. (Moderated)
- rec.arts.fine Fine arts & artists.
- rec.arts.int-fiction Discussions about interactive fiction.
- rec.arts.misc Discussions about the arts not in other groups.
- rec.arts.movies Discussions of movies and movie making.
- rec.arts.movies.reviews Reviews of movies. (Moderated)
- rec.arts.poems For the posting of poems.
- rec.arts.sf-lovers Science fiction lovers' newsgroup.
- rec.arts.sf-reviews Critiques of science fiction stories. (Moderated)
- rec.arts.startrek Star Trek, the TV shows and the movies.
- rec.arts.startrek.info Information about the universe of Star Trek. (Moderated)
- rec.arts.theatre Discussion of all aspects of stage work & theatre.
- rec.arts.tv The boob tube, its history, and past and current shows.
- rec.arts.tv.soaps Postings about soap operas.
- rec.arts.tv.uk Discussions of telly shows from the UK.
- rec.arts.wobegon "A Prairie Home Companion" radio show discussion.
- rec.audio High fidelity audio.
- rec.audio.car Discussions of automobile audio systems.
- rec.audio.high-end High-end audio systems. (Moderated)
- rec.autos Automobiles, automotive products and laws.
- rec.autos.driving Driving automobiles.
- rec.autos.sport Discussion of organized, legal auto competitions.
- rec.autos.tech Technical aspects of automobiles, et. al.
- rec.autos.vw Issues pertaining to Volkswagon products.
- rec.aviation Aviation rules, means, and methods.
- rec.backcountry Activities in the Great Outdoors.
- rec.bicycles Bicycles, related products and laws.
- rec.birds Hobbyists interested in bird watching.
- rec.boats Hobbyists interested in boating.
- rec.boats.paddle Talk about any boats with oars, paddles, etc.
- rec.climbing Climbing techniques, competition announcements, etc.
- rec.collecting Discussion among collectors of many things.
- rec.equestrian Discussion of things equestrian.
- rec.folk-dancing Folk dances, dancers, and dancing.
- rec.food.cooking Food, cooking, cookbooks, and recipes.
- rec.food.drink Wines and spirits.
- rec.food.recipes Recipes for interesting food and drink. (Moderated)
- rec.food.restaurants Discussion of dining out.
- rec.food.veg Vegetarians.
- rec.gambling Articles on games of chance & betting.
- rec.games.board Discussion and hints on board games.
- rec.games.bridge Hobbyists interested in bridge.
- rec.games.chess Chess & computer chess.
- rec.games.empire Discussion and hints about Empire.
- rec.games.frp Discussion about Role Playing games.
- rec.games.go Discussion about Go.
- rec.games.hack Discussion, hints, etc. about the Hack game.
- rec.games.misc Games and computer games.
- rec.games.moria Comments, hints, and info about the Moria game.
- rec.games.mud Various aspects of multi-users computer games.
- rec.games.pbm Discussion about Play by Mail games.
- rec.games.pinball Discussing pinball-related issues.
- rec.games.programmer Discussion of adventure game programming.
- rec.games.rogue Discussion and hints about Rogue.
- rec.games.trivia Discussion about trivia.
- rec.games.video Discussion about video games.
- rec.games.video.arcade Discussions about coin-operated video games.
- rec.gardens Gardening, methods and results.
- rec.guns Discussions about firearms. (Moderated)
- rec.humor Jokes and the like. May be somewhat offensive.
- rec.humor.d Discussions on the content of rec.humor articles.
- rec.humor.funny Jokes that are funny (in the moderator's opinion). (Moderated)
- rec.hunting Discussions about hunting. (Moderated)
- rec.mag Magazine summaries, tables of contents, etc.
- rec.mag.otherrealms Edited science fiction & fantasy "magazine". (Moderated)
- rec.martial-arts Discussion of the various martial art forms.
- rec.misc General topics about recreational/participant sports.
- rec.models.rc Radio-controlled models for hobbyists.
- rec.models.rockets Model rockets for hobbyists.
- rec.motorcycles Motorcycles and related products and laws.
- rec.music.afro-latin Music with afro-latin influences.
- rec.music.beatles Postings about the Fab Four & their music.
- rec.music.bluenote Discussion of jazz, blues, and related types of music.
- rec.music.cd CDs -- availability and other discussions.
- rec.music.christian Christian music, both contemporary and traditional.
- rec.music.classical Discussion about classical music.
- rec.music.country.western C&W music, performers, performances, etc.
- rec.music.dementia Discussion of comedy and novelty music.
- rec.music.dylan Discussion of Bob's works & music.
- rec.music.folk Folks discussing folk music of various sorts.
- rec.music.funky Funk, rap, hip-hop, house, soul, r&b and related.
- rec.music.gaffa Discussion of Kate Bush & other alternative music. (Moderated)
- rec.music.gdead A group for (Grateful) Dead-heads.
- rec.music.makers For performers and their discussions.
- rec.music.misc Music lovers' group.
- rec.music.newage "New Age" music discussions.
- rec.music.reviews Reviews of music of all genres and mediums. (Moderated)
- rec.music.synth Synthesizers and computer music.
- rec.music.video Discussion of music videos and music video software.
- rec.nude Hobbyists interested in naturist/nudist activities.
- rec.org.sca Society for Creative Anachronism.
- rec.pets Pets, pet care, and household animals in general.
- rec.pets.dogs Any and all subjects relating to dogs as pets.
- rec.photo Hobbyists interested in photography.
- rec.puzzles Puzzles, problems, and quizzes.
- rec.pyrotechnics Fireworks, rocketry, safety, & other topics.
- rec.radio.amateur.misc Amateur radio practices, contests, events, rules, etc.
- rec.radio.amateur.packet Discussion about packet radio setups.
- rec.radio.amateur.policy Radio use & regulation policy.
- rec.radio.cb Citizen-band radio.
- rec.radio.noncomm Topics relating to noncommercial radio.
- rec.radio.shortwave Shortwave radio enthusiasts.
- rec.radio.swap ffers to trade and swap radio equipment.
- rec.railroad Real and model train fans' newsgroup.
- rec.running Running for enjoyment, sport, exercise, etc.
- rec.scuba Hobbyists interested in SCUBA diving.
- rec.skiing Hobbyists interested in snow skiing.
- rec.skydiving Hobbyists interested in skydiving.
- rec.sport.baseball Discussion about baseball.
- rec.sport.basketball.college Hoops on the collegiate level.
- rec.sport.basketball.misc Discussion about basketball.
- rec.sport.basketball.pro Talk of professional basketball.
- rec.sport.cricket Discussion about the sport of cricket.
- rec.sport.disc Discussion of flying disc based sports.
- rec.sport.football.college US-style college football.
- rec.sport.football.misc Discussion about American-style football.
- rec.sport.football.pro US-style professional football.
- rec.sport.hockey Discussion about hockey.
- rec.sport.misc Spectator sports.
- rec.sport.pro-wrestling Discussion about professional wrestling.
- rec.sport.rugby Discussion about the game of rugby.
- rec.sport.soccer Discussion about soccer (Association Football).
- rec.sport.tennis Things related to the sport of tennis.
- rec.travel Traveling all over the world.
- rec.video Video and video components.
- rec.video.satellite Getting shows via satellite.
- rec.windsurfing Riding the waves as a hobby.
- rec.woodworking Hobbyists interested in woodworking.
- sci.aeronautics The science of aeronautics & related technology.
- sci.aquaria Only scientifically-oriented postings about aquaria.
- sci.astro Astronomy discussions and information.
- sci.bio Biology and related sciences.
- sci.chem Chemistry and related sciences.
- sci.crypt Different methods of data en/decryption.
- sci.econ The science of economics.
- sci.edu The science of education.
- sci.electronics Circuits, theory, electrons and discussions.
- sci.energy Discussions about energy, science & technology.
- sci.engr Technical discussions about engineering tasks.
- sci.engr.chem All aspects of chemical engineering.
- sci.environment Discussions about the environment and ecology.
- sci.geo.fluids Discussion of geophysical fluid dynamics.
- sci.geo.geology Discussion of solid earth sciences.
- sci.geo.meteorology Discussion of meteorology and related topics.
- sci.lang Natural languages, communication, etc.
- sci.lang.japan The Japanese language, both spoken and written.
- sci.logic Logic -- math, philosophy & computational aspects.
- sci.math Mathematical discussions and pursuits.
- sci.math.stat Statistics discussion.
- sci.math.symbolic Symbolic algebra discussion.
- sci.med Medicine and its related products and regulations.
- sci.med.aids AIDS: treatment, pathology/biology of HIV, prevention. (Moderated)
- sci.med.physics Issues of physics in medical testing/care.
- sci.military Discussion about science & the military. (Moderated)
- sci.misc Short-lived discussions on subjects in the sciences.
- sci.nanotech Self-reproducing molecular-scale machines. (Moderated)
- sci.optics Discussion relating to the science of optics.
- sci.philosophy.tech Technical philosophy: math, science, logic, etc.
- sci.physics Physical laws, properties, etc.
- sci.physics.fusion Info on fusion, esp. "cold" fusion.
- sci.psychology Topics related to psychology.
- sci.psychology.digest Psychology discussions and information. (Moderated)
- sci.research Research methods, funding, ethics, and whatever.
- sci.skeptic Skeptics discussing pseudo-science.
- sci.space Space, space programs, space related research, etc.
- sci.space.shuttle The space shuttle and the STS program.
- sci.virtual-worlds Modelling the universe. (Moderated)
- soc.college College, college activities, campus life, etc.
- soc.college.grad General issues related to graduate schools.
- soc.college.gradinfo Information about graduate schools.
- soc.couples Discussions for couples (cf. soc.singles).
- soc.culture.african Discussions about Africa & things African.
- soc.culture.african.american Discussions about Afro-American issues.
- soc.culture.arabic Technological & cultural issues, *not* politics.
- soc.culture.asean Countries of the Assoc. of SE Asian Nations.
- soc.culture.asian.american Issues & discussion about Asian-Americans.
- soc.culture.australian Australian culture and society.
- soc.culture.bangladesh Issues & discussion about Bangladesh.
- soc.culture.british Issues about Britain & those of British descent.
- soc.culture.canada Discussions of Canada and its people.
- soc.culture.china About China and Chinese culture.
- soc.culture.celtic Group about Celts (*not* basketball!).
- soc.culture.europe Discussing all aspects of all-European society.
- soc.culture.filipino Group about the Filipino culture.
- soc.culture.french French culture, history, and related discussions.
- soc.culture.german Discussions about German culture and history.
- soc.culture.greek Group about Greeks.
- soc.culture.hongkong Discussions pertaining to Hong Kong.
- soc.culture.indian Group for discussion about India & things Indian.
- soc.culture.iranian Discussions about Iran and things Iranian/Persian.
- soc.culture.japan Everything Japanese, except the Japanese language.
- soc.culture.jewish Jewish culture & religion. (cf. talk.politics.mideast)
- soc.culture.korean Discussions about Korean & things Korean.
- soc.culture.latin-america Topics about Latin-America.
- soc.culture.lebanon Discussion about things Lebanese.
- soc.culture.magyar The Hungarian people & their culture.
- soc.culture.misc Group for discussion about other cultures.
- soc.culture.nepal Discussion of people and things in & from Nepal.
- soc.culture.new-zealand Discussion of topics related to New Zealand.
- soc.culture.nordic Discussion about culture up north.
- soc.culture.pakistan Topics of discussion about Pakistan.
- soc.culture.polish Polish culture, Polish past, and Polish politics.
- soc.culture.soviet Topics relating to Russian or Soviet culture.
- soc.culture.sri-lanka Things & people from Sri Lanka.
- soc.culture.taiwan Discussion about things Taiwanese.
- soc.culture.thai Thai people and their culture.
- soc.culture.turkish Discussion about things Turkish.
- soc.culture.vietnamese Issues and discussions of Vietnamese culture.
- soc.culture.yugoslavia Discussions of Yugoslavia and its people.
- soc.feminism Discussion of feminism & feminist issues. (Moderated)
- soc.history Discussions of things historical.
- soc.men Issues related to men, their problems & relationships.
- soc.misc Socially-oriented topics not in other groups.
- soc.motss Issues pertaining to homosexuality.
- soc.net-people Announcements, requests, etc. about people on the net.
- soc.politics Political problems, systems, solutions. (Moderated)
- soc.politics.arms-d Arms discussion digest. (Moderated)
- soc.religion.christian Christianity and related topics. (Moderated)
- soc.religion.eastern Discussions of Eastern religions. (Moderated)
- soc.religion.islam Discussions of the Islamic faith. (Moderated)
- soc.rights.human Human rights & activism (e.g., Amnesty International).
- soc.roots Genealogical matters.
- soc.singles Newsgroup for single people, their activities, etc.
- soc.veterans Social issues relating to military veterans.
- soc.women Issues related to women, their problems & relationships.
- talk.abortion All sorts of discussions and arguments on abortion.
- talk.bizarre The unusual, bizarre, curious, and often stupid.
- talk.environment Discussion the state of the environment & what to do.
- talk.origins Evolution versus creationism (sometimes hot!).
- talk.philosophy.misc Philosophical musings on all topics.
- talk.politics.drugs The politics of drug issues.
- talk.politics.guns The politics of firearm ownership and (mis)use.
- talk.politics.mideast Discussion & debate over Middle Eastern events.
- talk.politics.misc Political discussions and ravings of all kinds.
- talk.politics.soviet Discussion of Soviet politics, domestic and foreign.
- talk.politics.theory Theory of politics and political systems.
- talk.rape Discussions on stopping rape; not to be crossposted.
- talk.religion.misc Religious, ethical, & moral implications.
- talk.religion.newage Esoteric and minority religions & philosophies.
- talk.rumors For the posting of rumors.
- --------------------
- * UNIX is a registered trademark of UNIX System Laboratories, Inc.
- * DEC and Ultrix are Trademarks of the Digital Equipment Corporation.
- * VAX is a Trademark of the Digital Equipment Corporation.
- * Ada is a registered Trademark of the Ada Joint Program Office of the
- United States Department of Defense.
- --
- Gene Spafford
- NSF/Purdue/U of Florida Software Engineering Research Center,
- Dept. of Computer Sciences, Purdue University, W. Lafayette IN 47907-1398
- Internet: spaf@cs.purdue.edu phone: (317) 494-7825